Here's the boy and small sketches of illustrations. I liked the idea of him wearing dungarees but it was clearly stated that he had a red sweater on top. Shame :3
The boy in a sweater. Looks quite cute ^^ You can also see a bigger sketch of the first illustration where he is sleeping and holding his dream by its tail.
Sketches for the next illustration - the boy is having a bubble bath and playing with a sponge frog and a plastic turtle. It's hard to draw a frog in a different way than the obvious one.
Final sketches of two first illustrations.
And here's the third illustration - the boy is holding his mum when she brings him to a kindergarten. I liked the first idea of boy "spreading" across two pages but I was quite sure that, considering publishing rules, the main character should not be not-facing the viewer and should not be on the pages' bend.
Final outline of the first illustration. It will stay on the illustration. However, I was not making FINAL illustration - it's only a try to illustrate the story and what I needed was sth that will show the publisher my idea. So if I were to make this book I would make everything once more and looking more fancy and swirly :D
Second illustration - I have an idea for a better composition in it with the boy being much closer. But this one isn't that bad, is it?
The last one. Very simple. I think that the story would have few small illustrations on white pages - like this one and maybe more smaller ones.
And here are finished (but not FINAL) illustrations:
My youngest sister likes them a lot so I think they are initially approved :D