
My Blog cries that she feels abandoned

Wow, it's been over a month since I updated my Fabulous Blog! I really don't know how that could happen (and I feel terrible about it).

Life update:
- the princesses pictures still aren't finished - it appeared that I have to make 2 of them once again (they were already finished) because they didn't show Something. It's hard to name that Something, it's just something that makes them look just right. Well, at least a week of work ahead of me!
- I am in the middle of creating my own stationery. It's dedicated to children (and will appear in August/September, just when they get ready to school) and there are some cute and fluffy animals on every piece of it :) You can see some sketches below.
- I've decided to postpone me M.A. exam till September. I think it'll be better for my works - they will be rape then. Now they are only (almost) ready and I'm not happy enough with "ready" - they should be "excellent"
- I should start looking for a real job, the one that happens every day and give me the same and constant amount of money every single month. But what job could it be?
- I want to paint some watercolour pictures! God damn it!! I'm starting to feel wasted and bored with the computer graphic, how long can a person make only it? Even making pencil sketches seems appealing to me lately - everything but no more tablet and photoshop!

I have some more photos to show you - of a newly published tutorial of mine :) You'll see them soon.

I love cheese!

Stretching cat and cute elephant that stands ( cute animals don't have to do anything more than standing :P)

Sleeping panda and a turtle with it's house (all of those above are already finished and ready to be printed, etc.)

This pose was quite hard to draw... But I hope the final piece looks more 'interesting'.

A bear and bees :)

And a lovely meadow with a fat cow.

And now let's get back to work again =o=


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